About Residenz Serif

Residenz Serif is the older sibling of Residenz Grotesk and follows the same principle: A neutral, but friendly serif family for a wide range of uses — and thanks to various alternates, its character can be individually adapted.

Because in addition to the usual letter shapes, there is a complete alternative set of letters, inspired by handwritten shapes and graffiti. These can be activated manually or in the desired frequency using predefined stylistic sets. The friendly, elegant style can thus be adapted to an experimental, brutalist appearance.

In addition to 6 different weights for the most common uses, you can also choose from 3 optical sizes. These differ in shape, contrast and spacing — so you can use them on huge posters as well as for smaller texts. In addition, expect an extensive character set for almost all Latin languages and helpful opentype features. And if you really want to take it to the extreme, pair it with Residenz Grotesk for maximum contrast!
Information & Availability
Residenz Serif is exclusively available from La Bolde Vita. Have a look at all the features, the full specimen and get your free trial fonts over at residenzserif.laboldevita.com
Residenz Serif

Residenz Serif
